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  • Tutor-Ward/Mentor-Mentee


The Tutor-Ward system is a widely adopted mentoring approach in many colleges, designed to offer personalized support and guidance to students throughout their academic journey. In this system, each student, known as a "ward," is paired with a faculty member, the "tutor," who serves as their mentor. The tutor regularly engages with their wards to discuss academic progress, address any concerns or challenges, and provide advice on both academic and personal matters.

This approach fosters a strong connection between students and faculty, ensuring that students receive the necessary support to thrive. It also establishes a safe environment where students can openly share their difficulties, seek guidance, and find motivation. Tutors assist students in navigating their coursework, planning their academic paths, and building the self-confidence needed to excel. Ultimately, the Tutor-Ward system aims to enhance student well-being, improve academic performance, and cultivate a supportive educational atmosphere.



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